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In Progress


  1. Unsal, N., Kantas, O., Bray, J. “Make the employees collaborate, not compete”: Evaluation of a corporate step challenge program as an employee well-being cause and as a corporate social responsibility. Manuscript under review.

  2. Kantas, O., Saka, S., & Yoney, N. “I Am Not Only Buying Your Products, but Also My Identity”: Modern Marketing, and Aligning Self-Determination Theory with Consumer Well-being. Manuscript under review.

  3. Kantas, O., Green, O., Gandhi, E., Sibe, S., Baird, A. Does breathwork really work?: A pilot investigation of a digital breathing app to see the user experience effect of technology, mind, nature and wellbeing. Manuscript in progress.

  4. Gokgoz-Aydin, Z. & Kantas, O. Does app engagement increase individual well-being, hence organizational well-being? Manuscript in progress.

  5. Behzadnia, B., Kantas, O., ..... Ryan, R.M., Deci, E.L. How Goal Contents and Psychological Need Satisfaction impact Well-being across 5 Cultures? Manuscript in progress.




  1. Kantas, O. & Imamoglu, E.O. (2023). Relationship between balanced Self-Orientations and well-being: The roles of Egosystem-Ecosystem Motivations, Self-Transcendence, Self-Compassion, and Burnout. Turkish Psychology Journal, 38(92), 76-98.

  2. Atis, G. S., Ozic, A. B., Bukruk, T., Ozkaya, E., & KantaÅŸ, O. (2022). The association between commuting, mood, and job performance: The Structural Equation Modeling, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 1-24.

  3. Kantas, O. & Mavili, O. (2021) Self-Determination Theory as a suitable theoretical basis and measurement approach for psychodrama interventions. The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy.

  4. Kantas, O. & Uzun. B. (2019). Fulfilling basic psychological needs through action motivation: treating ADHD with psychodrama (Temel psikolojik ihtiyaçların eylem motivasyonu ile karşılanması: DEHB ve psikodrama). In S. Sosyal (Ed.) Handbook of Attention Deficiency and Hyperactivity Disorder in Turkiye.

  5. Yüce-Selvi, Ü., & KantaÅŸ, O. (2019). The psychometric evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A development

  6. and validation study. Is, Guc: The Journal of Industrial Relations & Human Resources, 21(1), 23-52.

  7. Kantas, Ö. & Kart, M.E., & Güldü, Ö. (2018). Career locus and career adaptabilities: A Self-Determination perspective for Turkish university students' case. Journal of Social Security, 8(1), 215-234.

  8. Ovgun, B. & Kantas, Ö. (2017). The psychological process and the human aspect of public administration reform (Kamu yönetimi reformunun psikolojik süreci ve insan unsuru). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(1), 313-326.

  9. Kantas, Ö. (2017). Cross-cultural psychology approach to union density: The impact of national culture beyond unemployment rate and national income (SendikalaÅŸmayı kültürlerarası psikoloji çerçevesinden ele almak: Ä°ÅŸsizlik ve milli gelirin ötesinde kültürün etkisi). Çalışma ve Toplum (Labor and Society), 53(2), 721-740.

  10. Kantas, O. (2015). Portrait values of undergraduate students as prospective employees and their corresponding attitudes toward career and union. In B. Ceylan-Ataman & R. Lieberwitz (Eds.), Employment and Equity (pp. 119-131). ILO Office for Turkey-Ankara: International Labour Organization.

  11. KantaÅŸ, Ö. (2015). Kronik: "Madenin altı ölüm; üstü zulüm...". (Chronicle: Trauma Survivors: “Under the minefield there is death for workers, where above is persecution”). Ankara Üniversity Journal of Faculty of Political Sciences (SBF Dergisi), 70(2), 485-497.


Why Employee Experience Should Be Your First Business Goal

So that you can achieve your business outcomes.


"Other shepherds were always losing their sheep to the wolves, the goats got lost on the way somehow, or the cows got sick from what they eat on the fields. I was successful because I was not herding the pack, I was herding the environment."

Psychological First Aid is Not Rocket Science

Though, learning how to do so can incredibly fuel your “rocket” in life.


What we suffer from can change. But we all suffer! Helping someone else and helping ourselves are not totally different things.



What Positive Psychology is NOT for a Better Life?

Are you suspicious about how positive psychology might transform your life? You are not alone.


Positive Psychology is not the answer to all human problems. Yet, Positive Psychology is still the best way to answer all human problems anyway. This is why well-being comes before ill-being. As silence is not the absence of any noise, but a quality of mind; well-being is not the absence of symptoms, but the quality of life.

How to Help When a Beloved One is Planning a Suicide

Social support is not luxury, it is essential.


May you and your beloved ones have many many more days and years together flourishing. And, may you never come to a point to re-read these. However, if there is anyone that might benefit from the suggestions here, please spread out this!


How to Beat the Anxiety of Starting your Own Business

Being afraid of entrepreneurship is no destiny! As long as you know a way out.


Allow yourself to dream again rather than analyzing your dreams.

When working with individuals who are about to start up their own business, I go through their dreams. I put their worries and concerns about “How am I gonna..”s aside by role playings, active imaginations, make-believe type of action-oriented psychotherapy techniques.








Wellbeing Is Not a Luxury

One of the biggest illusions about well-being is the assumption that it can only come after many other physiological, financial, and physical requirements are met.


Sorry, no sorry, but this is the misunderstanding of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. If you are ready, here is the biiiiig fact check.

There is no Maslow’s hierarchy of well-being.



Psychodrama Workshops


There are two types of groups I run: training groups for professionals and experiential process groups for self-growth.


Currently, all my groups are full. 


Science Communication Matters!

I love speaking and translating science into nonscientist audiences.


Industry - University White Papers

Please drop me a line to access white papers and presentations that I've done with my business partners, students, and colleagues.

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